Powerful Orgone Pendant - With Tensor Ring and Teotihuacan blue coil, hook and higher dimension energies - Range over 4,000km



With Tensor Ring and Teotihuacan blue coil, hook and higher dimension energies - Range over4,000km -EMF protection


Diameter 4.5cm, or 2-3/4 inches
Height 1.1cm or 1/2 inch


Powerful Orgone Pendant - With Tensor Ring and Teotihuacan blue coil, hook and higher dimension energies - Range over 1,500km -EMF protection

All the Orgone and tensor ring that I make are coming from a hear state of consciousness... So it get a higher vibration..

This piece comes with a Standard Teotihuacan Unit Tensor ring it goes great with orgone it helps to double the energy on this pendant, the coil as the length of Standard Teotihuacan Unit also assists on the intensity the hook is also a Standard Teotihuacan Unit gives a little more boost of energy and higher dimension energy..
With this technique and 11 powerful chembuster and more underneath the table while the pendants are curing its as a area of influence of  4,000km (four thousand) kilometres or 2,400 miles (Two thounsand and four hundred) miles.. 

These are so powerful because they have energy from higher dimensions inbeded in them .. And everything that's comes from a higher dimensions gets amplified many time over on this lower 3-4 dimension that's why they are extremely powerful..

All the orgone that I make are energetically programmed by using sacred sound with geometry and embedded in them with unity consciousness or Christ consciousness, unlimited love, joy, peace, and abundance..

Spread them around put them in your pocket or use it as a pendant, electrical devices in your home, great for helping to neutralize harmful energy given out by Wi-Fi, put them on microwaves, TVs, plants, underneath your bed, in your car, pets love them.

Give them to your friends and family.

Diameter 4.5cm, or 2-3/4 inches
Height 1.1cm or 1/2 inch

Polyester resin, aluminum, brass, SBB blue coil, crystal quartz, rose quartz, selenite, Himalayan salt, magnesium carbonate, beach sand, Shungite , tensor ring and higher dimension energy ..

Orgone facts:
• Turns negative energy into positive energy.
• Purifies the atmosphere, detoxifies water.
• Sleep better.
• Helps plants to grow better, repels pests, and requires less water.
• Mitigates harmful EMF radiation.
• Disarms and repels predatory forms of life.
• Inspires a pleasant demeanor and balanced happier moods.
• Frequently remedies insomnia and chronic nightmares.
• Helps awake you innate psychic sense.
• Keep demonica entities out of your home and environment.
• Improve the moral nature of the people around you.
• Stop headaches and migraines and will improve overall health.

What is orgone?

Orgone is a mixture of catalyzed resin with metal shavings, poured into small molds. It is said to attract etheric energy similarly to Dr. Wilhelm Reich accumulators. Some people also add small quartz crystals to the mixture for their ability to make the energy more coherent or to enhance the working the the orgone. Thus orgone basically is a substance which functions as a self-driven, continuously-operating, highly efficient energy transmutation device, drawing in negative life energy and transmuting it into positive energy. The resin in orgone shrinks during the curing process, permanently squeezing the quartz crystal inside which creates a well-known piezoelectric effect inside the crystal, meaning its end-points become polarized electrically, this apparently causes it to function more effectively as a positive energy generator. Although crystals improve the function of orgone, they are not necessary for the orgone to work.

Some people use it to combat pollution and cell-tower radiation. Others use it to clear energies in their houses, to enhance the growth of plants in their garden. It seems to work also really well in various kinds of healing work. Energy sensitive people have given me various comments on how orgonite affected them. They have shown that it really does work. You can also interact with it and use it for specific purposes. When you look around on the internet you will find people using orgone for all kinds of purposes.

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Powerful Orgone Pendant - With Tensor Ring and Teotihuacan blue coil, hook and higher dimension energies - Range over 4,000km

With Tensor Ring and Teotihuacan blue coil, hook and higher dimension energies - Range over4,000km -EMF protection


Diameter 4.5cm, or 2-3/4 inches
Height 1.1cm or 1/2 inch

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